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Applying to any school is a drawn-out process. New York University is a prestigious school, and you should do your best in the application process to make sure you have a good chance of getting in. Start by focusing on your academics, character, and passions in high school, and then use the Common Application to apply to NYU.

  1. 1

    Keep your GPA in the correct range. To get into a school like NYU, you need to keep your GPA in the average range they accept. Most students entering NYU have a GPA of about 3.7. That doesn't mean that they won't accept any lower, and they certainly would like higher. However, it's good to keep the range in mind.[1]

  2. 2

    Score well on the entrance exam. NYU accepts either the ACT or the SAT for the entrance exam, though your particular department may prefer one or the other. Once you decide which one to take, you need to spend some time practicing for the exam before you take it.[2] The middle 50 percent of freshman at NYU score between a 30 and 34 on the ACT or between 1350 to 1530 on the composite SAT.[3]

    • You can also submit three ACT, SAT, or Advanced Placement (AP) subject scores. You'll need one literature or humanities subject, one math or science, and one other test of your choice, though check with your particular program to see if they prefer one or the other.
    • You can buy books that will help you prepare for the exam, but you can also take practice tests online. You should definitely try a practice test before taking the real exam, so you know what the questions and timing will be like.
    • You'll need to register for a date and pay a fee to take the test at a testing center. Often, you can take it at a local school on a Saturday.[4]
    • You'll need to take the test early in the year. That is, you must take the test before the application deadline, even if you don't get the scores until after the deadline.[5]


  3. 3

    Focus your academics. If you can focus your academics in high school, that tells a college like NYU that you're passionate. Plus, if you can show you can succeed in a field in high school, that shows you can succeed in college. Of course, you don't have to decide what you want to do with the rest of your life, but narrowing down a major can be helpful. You'll be able to gain some experience in that field, which will look good on your application.[6]

    • For example, maybe you decide you have an interest in politics. In that case, you want to take as many history and government classes as you can. You can run for student senate or even volunteer for a local campaign. Having things like that on your application shows you have focus and the drive to pursue your interests, which colleges like.
    • Deciding what major you want before applying to NYU is also important because it can determine which application you use. However, you can always change your major later.
  4. 4

    Don't be afraid of a challenge. If you take all easy classes to prop up your GPA, a school like NYU will notice. The school will want to see that you've challenged yourself before you've come to college because a school like NYU will challenge you. You need to be prepared for it, and taking hard classes, like AP classes is one way to do it.[7]

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  1. 1

    Focus your activities. It is important to be involved in more than one extra curricular at your school. However, you shouldn't do so much that you spread yourself thin. The projects and activities you get involved in at school should reflect your passions and what you want to do later on. That shows NYU you have the passion AND follow-through.[8]

    • For example, if you want to write for a living, you don't necessarily need to be in band, on a sport's team, in choir, in an art club, in a writing club, and on the yearbook. Instead, focus on the writing club, yearbook, and maybe the newspaper.
    • An even better approach is to take initiative. If your school doesn't have a writing club, start one. You could also partner with an elementary school to get kids excited about writing.
  2. 2

    Show how you learned from your mistakes. You can make mistakes in high school and still get into a college like NYU. However, you do need to offer some explanation because the admission's office will notice where you goofed up.[9]

    • For example, you could note that you struggled early on in pre-calculus, but you decided to push ahead instead of changing to something easier. By the end of the course, you'd worked hard to bring your grade up, and even though you ended up with a B overall, it taught you a good work ethic.
  3. 3

    Demonstrate how much you want to attend NYU. That is, try to visit, or spend time on the phone with the admission's office asking questions about the school. Applying for early admission can also show you're enthusiastic.[10]

  4. 4

    Be ready for an interview. High-caliber schools like NYU often have interviews for the students, though it can depend on which school you're applying to. Basically, the school wants to get to know who you are before accepting you to the program. An interview also gives you a chance to show enthusiasm for the school by smiling and being energetic.[11]

    • Make sure you've read up on your own materials and the school beforehand.
    • Try to stay up with current events, as they may want to see how much you know about the world.
    • Try a practice run with your parents or teachers.
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  1. 1

    Show your character in class. If you show up on time, always have your homework, and work hard, that shows character. Your teachers will notice, and that's important. You'll need them to write letters of recommendation for you.[12]

    • Most admissions counselors weigh letters of recommendation heavily, as it's a chance for the people who've taught and worked with you to evaluate you as a person. Therefore, try not to burn bridges with your teachers.
  2. 2

    Contribute to your community. High-caliber schools like NYU want to know that you're going to contribute to your community and the world, and that starts by showing what you can do in high school. That means volunteering in your community and taking initiative when you can.[13]

    • Find a place to volunteer that's relevant to your interests. For example, if you're interested in being a veterinarian, consider volunteering at your local animal shelter.
    • If you see a need in your community or school, don't wait for someone else to fix it. You can create big changes, too.
  3. 3

    Don't spread your applications too thin. When applying to NYU, it's a good idea to apply to other schools, too, as no one is guaranteed to get into any one school. However, you don't want to apply to so many that you spread yourself thin trying to get all the applications in. Instead, pick ones that are similar in caliber and composition to NYU, plus one or two "safer" schools, meaning schools that have a higher acceptance rate.[14]

  4. 4

    Demonstrate your character in your essay. Your essay is an important part of your application. It introduces you to the college you're applying to it. It should be short and sweet and tell a story about who you are and what you want in life. The Common Application expects you to keep your essay to 250-500 words.[15]

    • The Common Application does provide questions to help you along, though you can write on any topic you choose. For instance, you can write about an obstacle you've overcome, a political or ethical issue that's important to you, or about a person or fictional character that's had an influence on you.[16]
    • Make your essay as personalized as you can. Don't just give a standard answer, as you're trying to distinguish yourself from other candidates. What makes your story unique?
    • Sell yourself. Part of the job of the essay is to sell yourself to the admission's office. That is, you have to tell the person why you think you should be admitted. Maybe you're great at overcoming obstacles, or you have a truly stellar academic career. Whatever it is, bring it out at the end. Don't over-represent yourself. You need to be honest. However, you do need to convince the admission's office that you should be let in.
    • Have someone else read it. It has to make sense to a reader, not just to you. Have someone else read it, such as a parent, a teacher, or a guidance counselor. Ask them for feedback, as well as for some proofreading. You don't want typos in your application essay! Also, make sure you don't slip into informal language (like textspeak) or punctuation.
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  1. 1

    Use the Common Application. The Common Application is a universal application used by many schools across the country, not just NYU. It just makes it easier on you. You complete one application, and you can submit to as many schools as you need to.[17]

    • You can also send it to multiple NYU campuses if you want to apply to more than one.
    • When applying to NYU, make sure your program is covered under the Common Application. A couple of NYU's programs require a separate application, mainly the dental hygiene program, a second bachelor's in the Tandon School of Engineering, and a second bachelor's degree in nursing.
    • Find the appropriate application. The main NYU admission's page lists the applications for these programs. Click on the appropriate link to find the one for your program. On the next page, you'll find more information on what you'll need to do to apply.[18]
  2. 2

    Figure out which school you want to apply to. Of course, you can apply to the main campus of NYU. However, you can also apply to a variety of satellite campuses, located in other cities and towns. You may find you have a satellite campus closer to home that you prefer over the main campus.[19]

    • When you work on your application, you'll need to add the schools you want to submit it to, though you can always go back later and submit it to other schools.
  3. 3

    Work through the Common Application. In the Common Application, you'll need to fill in a large amount of biographical information, including information on your history and where you live, as well as your parents' information.[20]

    • You'll also need to fill in information about your educational background, including the high schools and colleges you've attended, as well as the test scores you have already. You'll also need to fill in information about any academic honors you've received.
    • Another section will cover any work or volunteer experience you have. Almost any experience is good, but you should make sure to put down any experience that's relevant to what you want to study. You'll also need to write about one of them. In that case, definitely pick something relevant to your program if possible.
  4. 4

    Check the required documents. When applying to NYU, you'll need to submit a variety of paperwork. They'll want official copies of your transcripts, for instance, both for your high school and any college work you've done. You'll also need letters of recommendation, as well as the scores from your standardized tests.[21]

    • You can ask for transcripts from your high school's guidance counselor's office or from your college's registrar's office. They must come directly from the school, not you, to be considered valid.[22]
    • Have them sent by mail to this address: New York University, Office of Undergraduate Admissions, 383 Lafayette Street, New York, NY 10003, USA
    • Don't forget to check your program's requirements. Certain schools within NYU require additional information, such as a portfolio. For instance, if you're applying for an art program, you'll need to submit examples of your work in a portfolio.
  5. 5

    Apply by the deadline. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to miss the school's application deadline. NYU's main campus has a final deadline of January 1. However, you can apply for early decision by submitting an early decision application before November 1. These dates apply to your senior year of high school or the year before you go to college.[23]

    • Don't forget to pay the application fee. The application fee as of 2016 for NYU is $70. The application fees can be steep if your family doesn't have a lot of money. If that's the case, apply for a waiver on NYU's website. Often, the school will waive the fee if it's needed.
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  1. 1

    Fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). No matter where you go in the United States, you need to fill out the FAFSA to receive federal aid, and that holds true for NYU. It's how you get things like student loans and federal grants to help you put yourself through school.[24]

  2. 2

    Start by getting a FSA ID. When you first arrive on the FAFSA website, you'll need to make an ID. Basically, you're just creating a username and password like you would for any other website. You can create the ID by clicking "Start a New FAFSA" on the FAFSA website. On the next page, you should see a place to fill in your ID information, along with an option to create your FSA ID.[25]

    • Enter an email, as well as a username and password of your choosing.
    • You'll also need to give some biographical information, such as your date of birth, phone number, and address, as well as your Social Security number.
    • Submit your information to receive an email. When you get the email, you'll need to click on a link in the email to verify your account.
  3. 3

    Begin the application form. Log into your account by clicking on "Start a New FAFSA" again. Put in your log-in information. Once you do, submit the information, and it should begin a new application for you and take you to the next page.[26]

  4. 4

    Add NYU. The next step is to pick which schools you're applying to so that the government can send them your financial aid information, confirming you filled out the FAFSA. Of course, you need to add NYU, as you're applying there, but you should also add any other schools you're applying to. Search for the school code for each school, and enter them in.[27]

    • The code for NYU's main campus is 2785.
    • You may also need your NYU student ID number, which will be given to you after you apply to the school.
  5. 5

    Determine your dependency. You don't need to determine your dependency on your own. Rather, you go through the FAFSA's questions to determine your dependency. If you're a typical student, you will usually be considered to be dependent on your parents. However, the FAFSA will have questions about your marital status, age, and whether or not you have kids to determine your dependency. Answer the questions truthfully.[28]

  6. 6

    Add in your parents' information. Just liked you filled in biographical information for yourself, you also need to add biographical information for your parents. You'll need things like their Social Security numbers and driver's license numbers.[29]

  7. 7

    Put in information about you and your parent's finances. If you're a dependent, you'll need to add financial information about your parents, and you'll need to add your information either way. That includes things like income (from your tax returns), as well as assets your family owns. To make it easier, you can use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool to bring in tax return information from the IRS.

    • To use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool, you'll need to have done your taxes already for the year.
    • You'll also need information about what's in each of your bank accounts.
  8. 8

    Complete the application. Once you've added all the information, submit it. You should wait until you see a confirmation page. Print that page out, just in case, even though the information will also be sent to your email. Also, the confirmation page can contain extra information.[30]

  9. 9

    Complete the CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE. You must complete this application to receive other types of aid that aren't provided by the federal government. For instance, it helps you apply for scholarships. It's actually a general application for financial aid used by many schools.[31]

    • You'll need to create a log-in with the College Board if you haven't already done so because of tests like the SAT.
    • You'll need basically the same information for this application that you did for the FAFSA, such as your tax returns, W2s, and bank account information.
    • You must pay a fee for each school you submit the report to, as well as an initial application fee. However, in some cases, the fees can be waived.
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    Would my financial situation affect my chances of getting in?

    Community Answer

    No, your financial situation will only have bearing on any financial aid applications you might submit, this information will not be considered when they're determining whether or not to admit you.

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